tiistai 23. huhtikuuta 2024

Boys are not automatically more skilled than girls

 " Some of them maybe mistook boys to be better version of girls or women. It is not so. My impression from healibg skills is that women cultivate wisdom of lufe, because their offspring has to stay alive and grow to have all normal hwalthy features, some 9 months in their stomach, plus they and their nearest be able to care for the needs of at least a young child for a few years, so women cultivate such wisdom, while men are more specialiced to doing needed chores. So boys are not better in everything, but instead may neglect some things needed for life, and so it is not ok to demand all to look alike. "

Boys and men do not always see it as possible to use all perspectives at the same time, as parts of one's picture of the world and one's pictyre of the situation. So a school boy caring for something does not necessarily do it with one's picture of the world along, and so for example many military kinds of goals are not fitted to be ok in the world, not ok for army's purpose when wisely looking at things. So such things do not get as years pass fitted better to the society, world etc, since those are not aimed to respect civiluced values, civiluced wisdom, common sense like picture of the world, healthy wisdom of lufe, the aim to get major proportilbs at least roughly well for future lufe in the world and in the society, etc. 

I do not know, what causes the problem. It does not seem to be a lack of potential intellectual capacity. It looks like some weird routes of thinkkng, maybe somewhat like engineer oriented boys trying to figure out how to get a child of their own : with this obe not but maybe with that one that way or with the other one near by as if of that kind, and then via some excuse try to get along with a third woman passing by, or with men, etc, and it being so false that it jyst makes no sense, and the resulting kind of figure pantomime makes one guess that many of the suppised women were in fact transvestites, figuring out this and tgat word or criterio to be classified women or potential sexual partner, but without such making sense from the point of view of the dimensions of such affairs in women's lives : did you like the man enough to spend at least ten years to first pregnancy and then childcare, and did you associate in ways that were good for lufe, caring for the needs of the future family members, of life in the society, the future of the children, of the woman, you too getting along, etc, or did some harm take the place of new life possible, did some malicious deed communicate that life togeyher and family lufe would be unbearable in the long run, was the thing anything more than a trap, if not then you aren't gonna get any children that way. To be clear, love marriage seems the only ok way to get a family, since even without any problems and with civiluced ways and wisdom of lufe supporting, a family is lot of work, so say just about all. But why does it end up such an artificial tangle, is it homo boys and homo men planning cannibalism, eating many women, especially those whom they do not so value sexually or as having similar social style. 

Do the rigid engineering like stuck ways of many men, which I guess make it so difficult to repair working life toward better, so that many men maybe are in some way suicidal, are these rigid ways consequences of the plans to not to show, which women one likes and whom not at all, and so the ways do not show what one likes and so it becomes much more difficult to change jobs to the kind of jobs one likes or likes most. 

lauantai 23. joulukuuta 2023

For transvestites about social ways

 I guess that quite many who feel inclined toward being a transvestite, have misinterpreted quite many social ways.

If someone tends to come momentarily clise to you when you seem interested in women's clothes or the like, it is usually because they consider clothes a hobby typical to many women, so they come momentarily to say that if you are interested in clothes, here is one piece of fabric, is that what you like? So you are offered such glimpses like to a child interested in something in which the child or beginner does not have much such experidnce. So it is öike a hobby, and it is not allowed behavipur otherwise, for example simple by wearing women's clothes, since it is behaviour of the teacher or more experienced dtudent of a hlbby group toward a passer-by interested in having such a hobby. 

If someone made an impression on you by being of the opposite sex and coming close, it is a sexual relation between you two. It isn't some general right of all of the opposite gender to dominate over your own sex. So if you change gender, you do not gain any of such rights toward anyone. If you find a new date that clearly likes you as a date, that is a sexual situation, but such propably does not change from the old times. Someone us dominant if you like such company, such strenghrs and such wsy of being social, such types of people. It isn't so toward all. Because you felt it to be natural, you did not resist like people resist those they do not want near. And so your social environment coukd not help you out of it, it was your feelings toward him and the experience of others says that they cannot stop it in the future either  since you just react to him ss if did matter a lot what he did or said etc, and did not care so much about others, so you were just close by your own feelings, which means that you somehow liked such life more than just passing by, you felt that you wanna learn sich lufe skills or have such company. And so it is no right of you to dominate over anyone or to go clise to anyone. There are also other reasons why people interest, like for examole kuds and ypunger generation, news etc in the medua, many kinds of things that people do for a professiln, and it surely does not mean that you had any right yo claim yourself right to be clise to them or have any right over them, even if you guess that if you change gender you would be more interesting to yourself. 

What clothes to wear and what style of things to use, depends on the person and on the situation. Basic advice is that the clithes should fit the lufe you wanna live and be ok for the things done. So then there is the wuestion if style. If one has infoors just table, stools and square forms and straight lines, that typically isn't good for the kntellect or for feeling well. So one would need more complex forms that are good for the intellect and good for things done. Straight lines and square forms aren't good for the need of varuation in life. So many long for something which would make lufe work well, like music, some green plants on window, a carpet, a sofa or a good stool, maybe some picture on walls etc. Of these there are many kibds, so what woukd be good for you? Often one's hobbies and other liked things are good at home. Sometimes lufe us so scarce that one needs lots of nice things at home. Then it comed to whether those look so good idea in the eyes of others or at times with fifferent kind of life. If there is some art or slowly done handiworks at home, it may happen that it sliws down life, and so one sometimes would throw away much of it or just put it on the storage, and so one coukd gain a clearer more speedy head. So how much do you need each area of lufe and what is the good skill level, vuewpoint, values etc? Similarly of social ways. There isn't a certain one option for all. Most like for example a sofa and some music, nice clothes etc. If others do not offer them to you, you have to take care of such by yourself, which is tupical situation for women. 

keskiviikko 22. maaliskuuta 2023

( Hermafrodite advices, kaksineuvoisuusohje ) Male or female better

Kommentteja translakiin, Comments to transgender law

 Quite in tge beginning of next month, say news, in Finland there will come to effect a new law which says that adults may choose by making an applucation whether they want to be officially male or female, regardless of their biological gender. I do not know what it will cause kn the society. In my experience it is not so advantageous to be male or female. There are some supposed roles but no support for them if you do not create it yourself. Likewise of shelter. If you suppose that the opposite sex has some rights, those rights typically depend on the individual or the type of person. If you noticed someone having extra righrs it typically was someone you considered sexually attractive, or who was doing something he/she supposed that you value, or was the favourite of those who ought to have intervdned. If you think of the role of men or women suiting you, that too, like many professions, is kn practice reserved for certain type of persons, certain ways of doing and values, and not for all who value such life in some form. 

28th of March 2023   In the news there was somethibg about androgyne clothes, but it did not seem to work out. I was taught as a child that all individuals have both manly and womanly characteristics and that the differencies between individuals are geeater than between the sexes. So one ought not choose clothes based on manlikedness or womanlikedness but instead choose clothes that fit one's values and character, maybe one's dreams too, and likewise of chores, professions, hobbies etc. 

Muttei sukupuolenvaihdos välejä lähennä tai setvi. Lapsuus on ohitse ja uutena erilaisena ihmisenä on eri ihmiset ihmissuhteina eikä jokin julistus vanhoille sosiaalisille suhteille vaan ne vain etääntyvät, vaikka toki uudesta sukupuolesta pitäisi tiedottaa vanhoja ihmissuhteita niin tilannekuva menee enemmän oikein ja kukin osaa sopeutua paremmin. "

My old blog workandfreetime.blogspot.com ought to have in the earliest post a link to my book which also has a text about sexuality and learning. It is about learning skills kn an ordinary way, not about changing gender. 

Onkohan translain vuoksi nyt vaikutteita transsukupuolisilta, kun on jotenkin hutera osaamaton olo kuin eivät valinnat menisi ihan oikein. Nyt kun asiaa mietin, niin sukupuolen vaihtaminen vakavissaan ei vaikuta oikein viisaalta teolta, sillä ei niin keknotekoinen edesottamus asioita ratko, mutta jos joku haluaa toisen sukupuolen todellisia etuja vakavissaan, esim vannoutunut pasifisti välttää armeijan, niin ehkä tuo lokeron vaihtaminen heille sopii, muttei se paranna tunne-elämän ym solmuja kuin äiti luonto, vaan on pikemminkin ihan hukassa siinä uskomuksessaan. Vaatteista kirjoitin, että ne putäisi valita kaavamaisista sukupuolirooleista riippumatta arvojensa, luobteenlaatunsa ja haaveidensa mukaan, ja niin myös valita askareet, ammatit ja harrastukset. "

Syy, miksi jotkut haluavat vaihtaa sukupuolta, on kai kiinnostus tekemisiin ja elämänalueisiin sekä sosiaalisuuden tyyppiin, jotka luokittuvat vahvasti toisen sukupuolen omaksi alueeksi, esim pehmeeseen tyyliin sosiaalisissa suhteissa, kodin laittamiseen ja kotielämään sekä vaatteisiin ym naismalliseen, tai kovaan karsivaan tyyliin, kouluun ja insinöörialoihin, ja armeijaan. Muttei tuo kai sukupuolesta ole kiinni vaan pukeutumisesta, tavanomaisuudesta ja riittävän johdonmukaisesta samoin harrastuneisuudesta, yhteiskunnassa elämisen vaatimusten kunnioittamisesta ja seuran vaihtamisesta samoista elämänalueista harrastuneisiin. Vaatteiden valitsemisessa olisi kai olennaista valita hyvät ko tekemisiin tavallisen tervehenkisen meinkngin kirjosta esim että nää on kokin tyyliä ja nää on hyvät vapaa-akkaa ja tää juhlaan, ja naismallisuus tulisi siinä sitten siivellä elämään, ja vastaavasti vaatteista, että nää ei oo järjettömän naismalliset vaan näissä on hyvä puuhata tai että näissä on tyyliä ja ihan osaavaisiakin voi mun tapaan olla nejoilla on tällasia vaatteita, ja siitä henkilökohtaisten tyyli- ja symboliikkavslintojen siivellä tulisi karsivuutt ( sininen, suorat mallit tms ) a, järkevyyttä ym. 

3rd of March 2023   If you would like to learn skills for happy somewhat sheltered life, read my long text Skills of Christmas gnomes learntalents.blogspot.com .

This explains what women and men are like : Men often use tge perspectives of work, school and education. In additiln they have gone to ghe military service and try to follow what was considered important there. They often connect their work to that, thinking that doing work in non-personal somewhat machine like ways is what makes the society work out at least somewhat after and during war even if there are enemies deciding about thibgs. The traditional role of women is to provide their working men basic support, rest and refreshment, and to provide good possibilities for children to grow up and to serve as a force which makes life more flourishing and healthily happy in the society and in the world. Civiluced wisdom is widely thought to make these two courses in lufe work out better in what comes to the workings of the society and the quality of life, happiness. 

A man appearing to say that ghis is big and fine and having a large chest and wide movements like lifting things from a shopping bag for kids to see, isn't saying how fine it is to be a man, it is instead saying would you like to have this kind of family like lufe with me. 

Jos nainen haluaa vaihtaa mieheksi, niin malleina ei saa käyttää vastakkaista ääripäätä eli sukupuoleensa nähden keskivertoa enemmän naismallista haluavia, ei siis esim transuilevien pukeutumista tai heille annettuja ohjeita elämän naismallistamisessa. Miesten vaatteet viestivät, että henkilö on miestyyppinen eikä esim rintakeskeisen muita elämäntaidoissa vaalivainen tai hoikan herkkäliikkeinen ja hienovarainen tai pyöreämuotoisen tunneviisas. Eli jos haluaa miesten töitä niin miesmallinen yleisvaikutelma vaatteissa ko ammatin miesten tapaisesti. Vastaavasti värit joko omia vanhoja tuttujasi tai ko ammatin naisten tai miesten tavallisen työpukeutumisen tai ko ammatin miedten vaatteiden värien tapaiset muttei kai ihan samat jolkeivät ole harmaita tms. 

Pujeutumista ei saa vaihtaa naismallisemmaksi skksi, että on vaihtanut tai vaihtamassa mieheksi. Sen sijaan käytetään miesmäisen vaikutelman antavaa pukeutumista tekemisen ja sen hengen mukaisdsti, miesten liikkumavaran tienoilla, esim vapaa-aikamaista tai ammattiin tykästyneen pukeutumista. Mutta on niin siis kommunikoitava oman tekemisensä piirteitä eikä jotain toisten naisten naismaisuutta. Moni mies esim on sosiaalinen eikä sosiaalisuuden paljous tarkoita mekkoa tms. Jos haluat päihittää muut naiset naisellisessa viehätysvoimassa, nikn eikö sklloin tavoitteenasi ole treffit eikä mieheksi vaihtaminen. Jos haluat tutustua komeaan mieheen ja saada sitä komeutta itsellesikin, niin seurustelusuhteen myötä sellaisia tilaisuuksia komeat miehet yleensä tarjoavat, ja siinä voi sukellus toisen näkökulmaan ja elämäntapaan llla niin suuri kukn olisi jonkin aikaa miehenä elänyt, vakkka on perheen perustamiseen liittyvästä tutustumisesta kysymys, ihastumisesta. Jos esim kurssin vetäjä on komea, niin useimmiten kyse on siitä, että tosissasi haluaisit tuon harrastuksen tai ammatin vaikkapa vuodeksi tai pariksi, kenties pidempäänkin. Jollei juuri tuo harrastus tunnu sinulle oikealta, niin oletko tsekannut tervejärkisesti muut samansuuntaisia elämän puolia treenaavat lajit, esim toiset taistelulajit, urheilulajit ylipäätään, entä muut liikuntamuodot tekemisineen. Olisiko tuo mies sinulle sopiva seurustelukumppani? Olisiko hyvä vaihtoehto sekä seurustelu että jpkin harrastus? 

Translain voimassaolon ekasta ivästä on tjllut mieleen, että olettavatko monet ihmiset, että on vain kaksi lokeroa: nais ja mieslokero. Oikeastihan ihmisiä on monenlaisia, monissa suhteissa omanlaisiaan, sekä naiset erilaisia että miehet. 

Kaksineuvoisuus :

Periaatteessa mieli ja keho liittyvät yhteen, niin että teoriassa, muttei kai käytännössä, voisi joku vaihtaa myös fyysistä sukupuoltaan. Silloin peniksen kasvattaminen liittyisi kai lähes jatkuvaan mielenvireeseen, että fundeeraa, että pitäskö tollasta ryhtyä tekemään. Jostain kuulemani näkemyksen mukaan lapsesta tulee poika, jos on jokin tehtävä, johon lasta halutaan, ja tyttö, jos on suotuisammat elämänolosuhteet ja tilaa elämänviisaudelle. Tyttö kai tuumi, et mä en kyl tollasta tekis, kun must mun oma elämänviisaus on ihan hyvä, parempi, ja tuumii et mitenköhän mä täss. 

Bodily sexual ambivalence, i.e. hermafrodite 

4th of April 2023   I translate the above :   In principle mind and body are intertwined, so in theory, but propably not in practice, someone could change also one's physical body from female to male or vice versa. Then growing a penis would connect with an almost conyinuous state of mind&of feelings, in which one ponders would one ought to start doing that kind of chores. According to a view I heard from somewhere, the child becomes a boy, if there is some task to which the child is wanted, and a girl if the living conditions are more favorable and there is room for wisdom of life. I guess that a girl thinks  "I would not do such, since I think that my own wisdom of lufe is good, better." and thinks "How can I live in this situation?" 

5.4.2023   Naiseksi ja mieheksi vaihtaminen ovat erilaisia asioita ja siksi niille pitäisi olla eri nimitykset. Ne voisivat olla transu ja mieheksi vaihtava. Mies, joka haluaa olla transu, haluaa yleensä kevennystä liian rankkaan työelämään tms, tai sitten hän on naisten ammatissa ja haluaa näyttää oppimiaan naisten taitoja. Mieheksi haluava taas on usein kiinnostunut miesten työelämästä ja armeijasta, ja ne ovat erihenkisiä kukn nuo työn raskautta keventää haluavien jutut, suorastaan vastakkaiseen suuntaan meneviä. Tarttisko noille kahdelle transutyypillekin eri nimitykset? Pukeutumisessa taitava voisi llla transu ja se toinen lomaa, ammatinvaihtoa, vapautta, kivoja harrastuksia ja vapaamielisempää elämää hakeva vaikka lomailuhenkinen mies, tai harrastusvaihtdelle menossa oleva. 

6th of April 2023 (Easter Thursday)   Changing from woman to man or from man to woman connects with states of mind connected with forming a family : taking care of chores as if a man of the family or group, skilled and responsible, and being with wisdom of lufe thst also cultivates and quarantees good living conditiobs for a child to grow up in. One can learn wisdom of life for example from books and likings. 

(18.4.2023   This is not a personal subject for me. I am female and have always been. But my step mother like very dominant mom used to say that in her opinion she would have been better fitted to be a man, and would have right away changed her gender to a man if it would have been possible without surgery, without giving up the possibility to get children. But I haven't heard what she thinks of the new transgender law. I have made hundreds of advices or guesses of how to cure illnesses, see parantamisesta.blogspot.com and curingguesses.blogspot.com , and that is how i came to figure out this too when the transgender law was so puzzling in the news. )

1.7.2023   Parantamisaiheisessa blogissani on myös ihmeparannusohjeita, jotka vammaisia ovat ilahduttaneet. Parantamisesta.blogspot.com Teksti on vaikea käännettävä, joten sanakirjamainen käännös on paras, ( lue etenkin hakemistoja ), ja sen kai tarjoaa yli sadalle kielelle Google translation. 

1.10.2023    Both cultivating wisdom of life and caring for needed tasks are needed by all, by the society, just the emphazies in what is mostly one's primary task, differ. Action needs wisdom of life from the doer, and wisdom of lufe needs good healthy ways of living and civiliced wisdom with life in practice following the wisdom. 

3.12.2023   If a woman wants to change to a man, it does not fit together with men wanting to change to women. A male transvestite often either tests one's women's skills that have been learned in a female profession or as a part of an all female social envirpnment, and one wants to know if there is any advantage for men in having such skills, or does one get a family that way, or does one get slme other profession that requires high skills in female kinds of things. Or then a man is exhausted from living in a too manly envuronment, for example in engineering without much contact with the ways and values of other professions and the civiliced values learned in school. So the man seeks for relief to too tough working lufe by trying women's things, maybe especially more leisurely clothes, cooking, new social spheres, women's skills etc. 
If a woman wants to change to a man, she typically has had lots of room for female thibgs but longs for milutary kibd of strenghts, official position and men's wisdom of life. She typically tries men's things in short spurts and flees then back to a womanly role, without regard for what is defending the country and what just a crime, and without thinking what her ways would cause if followed in working lufe and in army, where endurancy and long term sustainability of the society is important to take care of instead of single innovations while some other type of people i.e. men take care of running the society and the world well in the long run, wisely while looking at the whole from the point of view of what is good for life. 
So a child ought to have her/his name according to whether she/he is a boy or a girl, and not according to adults who have started their lives in the opposite gender. 

tiistai 2. heinäkuuta 2019

Gnome like life in the modern world

See http://learntalents.blogspot.com/2018/09/gnomes-or-more-likelily-doing-things-in.html

17th of May 2020   I read a book called Year of the Gnome. I wrote a short comment about it, thinking that people somehow lose their own wisdom about gnome like life when reading a book about gnomes. As a subject gnomes seemed to break, which I guessed to be a consequence of there being a large demnand in the world for friendly tale figures.  So I translated the text to English and got stuck in the subject but in English especially.
Now there are three parts of the text, together some hundred screenfulls. It is advives in learning skills and talents plus lots of links which too are often worth reading.I termed it Tale like things in everyday life.
But writing the text ended at Mother's Day, so I guess that the text can also teach something about what kinds of skills women and girls often have, even though these are just my own - or were before I wrote about them to the internet.

* * *

14th of August 2023   My books "Skills Of Christmas Gnomes" 1.-7. are now available also as ebooks at www.amazon.com/author/khtervola .

6th of April 2024    You might be interested in reading the back cover texts of my books of the Christmas gnome/elf skills series, by clicking the headers at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BLLS8BWC?binding=kindle_edition&ref_=ast_author_bsi